The import function is used to import new contacts, to group contacts based on labels or to updating existing contacts. These are all done using a CSV file.
Follow these steps when you prepare your file.
- You need to export your CSV file from Excel so that the delimiter (the character used to separate values) is a semicolon (;). This is standard for CSV files in Engage.
- The file must include a column for the key field (the required field for a specific contact type).
- The contact import validates on primary key but doesn't have any validation on unique attributes, meaning the CSV importer will not check if any contacts share a unique attribute. Make sure to remove all duplicates for both key and unique attributes before importing a file.
- Separate different contact types to avoid duplicates.
- The file should include headers so you can map the right receiving field in Engage (this can be changed manually during the process if the match is incorrect).
- Use labels. A good habit is to always add a column in your file with a unique label, you can always delete this later in Engage. It is very helpful if you quickly need to find your newly imported contacts.
Follow these steps for specific fields:
Checkboxes/Consent values must be imported as True/False and not Yes/No. This applies to all Accept flags, consents and custom attributes that have the type checkbox.
Multiple values in one field must be separated with a comma (i.e. label1,label2,label3).
Phone numbers should always begin with the country code or +. Phone numbers missing the country code will be interpreted as a phone number from your standard region.
The date of birth must be 8 digits with dashes (example: 1995-12-07).
Dates/times otherwise must follow the ISO 8601 standard with a time zone designator (example: 2021-01-26T15:10:17+01:00).
Personal identification number for Sweden can be 10 or 12 digits, with or without dashes. A Finnish Personal identification number can be 11 digits, with or without dashes.
Gender must have the format Male/Female/Other/Prefer not to say with a capital letter or be left empty. (Please note: If your settings allow the Personal identification number to set the age of the contact automatically, this field should not be included.)
Recruited store must be entered with the store's external ID and the header name of the column must include "ID". (Please note: If you import contacts with a Recruited store, the Favorite store for this contact will automatically be set to this value in Engage.
- The country association must be entered according to standard country codes: SE, FI, NL, DE
Read about how to manually import your file here.