The purpose of the Store overview report is to give you an overview of how your stores are performing with regard to revenue, purchases, and recruitments in your overall store types.
When you navigate to the Store overview report through Reports > Sales > Store overview, there's a graph and a table.
The graph
The graph won't show if you haven’t selected a value to display. You do this by clicking Edit filter in the upper right-hand corner. See the section Edit filter below.
You can clear any selections that you made by clicking Clear all filters in the upper right-hand corner.
You can also download the data on which the report is based by clicking Download report.
When a value is selected you see summarized representations of the value for the selected timespan directly below the graph. Depending on the value you selected you may see the total sum of the value over the selected time span and/or the average for the selected value.
Edit filter
Clicking the Edit filter button expands a menu, allowing you to choose from several filters, options of grouping, and values to display.
This lets you pick a from-date and a to-date, giving you a date span for your analysis. Values are calculated for the period you selected.
Group by
In this drop-down menu, you may choose a dimension to group your values on. The available dimensions are Day, Month, or Store.
The Country drop-down lets you filter the report based on the contacts registered country code, stated on the Contact card under Contacts in the Engage menu found to the far left.
Contact type
This drop-down lets you filter the report on a specific contact type.
Store type
You can use this drop-down to filter the report on specific store types. Typically, this could be physical stores or e-com site.
Show value in graph
This is the drop-down where you may choose which metric value you wish to display in the graph. You can choose between the following metrics:
Avg. receipt
- Gives you the average receipt amount for the selected timespan. Note that the calculation used is the total value of all receipts (purchases - returns) / number of receipts with at least one purchase. Receipts with no purchases (return receipts) will not be included in the denominator.
New registrations
- Gives you the number of new registrations for the selected period, based on entry store.
New registrations reachable by email
- Gives you the percentage of new registrations who have given their email address.
- The newly registered contact has seven days to fill in their email to qualify as reachable by email.
New registrations reachable by email and SMS
- Gives you the percentage of new registrations who have given their email and phone.
- The newly registered contact has seven days to fill in their email and phone number to qualify as reachable by SMS.
New registrations reachable by SMS
- Gives you the percentage of new registrations who have given their phone.
- The newly registered contact has seven days to fill in their phone number to qualify as reachable by phone.
Nr. of purchases
- The number of purchases for the specified timespan.
- Gives you the average customer NPS for the specified period
- Looking at a specific store, this value is bound to the store via the respondents’ purchases. Anyone answering an NPS is bound to the store they purchased from during the last seven days. If no purchase occurred within the seven-day horizon prior to the answer, it will not show up in this report.
Total revenue
- The revenue (purchases - returns) for the specified timespan.
The table
The table displays all stores that have data associated with the filters selected. In the top left part of the table, you may search among stores available in the list by typing the whole or part of the store name.
In the upper right-hand corner of the table, you may choose to sort the list of stores by any column either in descending or ascending order.
At the top right part of the table, next to the sorting options, is the Settings button.
The Settings button opens a dialogue where you can choose to hide/show specific columns to organize a tidier view, displaying only the columns that you are interested in.
Now looking at the column headers. Selectable values in the graph are shown as columns in this table, summarizing all values for the selected timespan.
For a more detailed description of these values, see the Show value in graph section.