Target audience report

The target audience report provides an overview of how your target audiences have developed over time to give you a hint of which target audiences have increased and decreased.

The first time you navigate to the target audience report, you’ll see all your target audiences listed in the lower part of the page.


You may sort them in any way you like, choosing the column to sort by and using the “Sort by” drop-down and the ascending/descending toggle next to the drop-down. This gives you the ability to explore your target groups.


Options in the "Sort by" menu

Avg receipt

The target audience average receipt based on all contacts in the group. Calculated as [total value of all receipts] / [number of receipts].

Purchases per contact

Shows how many purchases, on average, all the contacts in the target audience have made.

Articles per purchase

The average number of articles per purchase, based on all contacts in the group.

Total revenue

The sum of the revenue over the last 12 months. This shows the current state of each target audience, so only non-deleted contacts who are currently in the target audience are used.

Reachable by email

This metric shows you the share of contacts that are reachable by email. Contacts may also be reachable through other channels.

Reachable by SMS

This metric shows you the share of contacts that are reachable by SMS. Contacts may also be reachable through other channels.

Reachable by email and SMS

This metric shows you the share of contacts that are reachable by both email and SMS. Contacts may also be reachable through other channels.

Avg years as customer

The average number of years as customer for the specific target audience.


The potential profit or revenue left per contact on average in the specific audience. This part is only available if CLV is active in your Engage setup.


The average NPS answer for the specific target audience. This uses all NPS answers for the contacts in the target audience, with no time-frame.

Selecting target audiences

At the very top of the page, you have a drop-down that allows you to choose specific target audiences to focus on for further analysis. You may choose up to 10 groups to look at simultaneously.

Once you have selected, a graph appears. In this graph, the number of contacts is displayed, giving you a perspective of how the target audiences have developed over time in terms of the number of contacts. Use this view to see which target audiences are increasing or decreasing and if you can see patterns in terms of migrations between groups.

The list below the graph is also filtered on the selection you have made at the top of the page. You can now more easily compare these groups with one another. For example, is the average receipt higher for contacts that receive communication via email than for those that don’t?

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