Export and import automation workflows

Here's how to export an automation workflow from one Engage tenant and import it to another one.

Note: Only the structure, time delays, and placeholders—no configurations or content—are included in the export.

Export automation

To export an automation workflow, do the following:

1. Navigate to the workflow you want to export in Automations. The export can be done with an automation in any state such as Draft or Active. If exporting a specific version of an automation, the rest of the versions will not be included in the export.


2. Click on the menu button and select Export workflow. This creates a file that is downloaded to your computer and will be used to import the automation to another Engage tenant.

Import automation

The import function is available from any view in Automations.

To import an automation workflow, do the following:

1. Click on Import workflow in the top right corner.


2. Drag and drop the downloaded export file or click Browse and navigate to it.

3. The workflow to be imported is displayed with details of the workflow. The name can be edited before importing.

4. Click on Import and edit workflow to import the workflow and save it as a draft.

Your workflow is now imported and can be edited and activated per usual. All components marked with a red box need editing before activating the automation.


You can make copies of automation workflows within the same Engage environment without exporting and importing. Read all about it here.

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