Rematch and exclude contacts from monitoring

There are two ways to handle monitoring matches and monitoring statuses for contacts in Engage. You can clear the matches and exclude contacts from monitoring at the bottom of the 'Bisnode' tab on the contact card.




Clear BCI matching

Sometimes mismatches occur when contacts register with the wrong phone number, change their name, or changes other personal details, and sometimes it takes time before the changes reach the Consumer Intelligence database.

If you want to clear the status for a contact with wrongfully matched data, where the data fetched from Bisnode is not corresponding to the contact's real and requested data in regards to name, address, and enrichment variables, there is a way to do it.

When clicking the button Clear BCI matches, Engage will delete all the monitoring status data and enrichment data if applicable. Furthermore, the contact will be flagged for a rematch the next time the monitoring job is running.


If the contact has registered the wrong phone number and wants to change it, they will need to correct the phone number before the matching job is running again. The job most often runs during the next coming night (Swedish time zone).

Exclude from monitoring

Sometimes contacts explicitly ask to not be monitored anymore. If you want to exclude contacts from monitoring, click the button Exclude from monitoring.

This feature will erase all enrichment data. The GEDI and the match status will still be there because the contact is still considered a GEDI match.

If a contact would like to get monitored again in the future, you will need to clear the BCI match again, for the contact to get included in the next matching job.

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