In all purchase reports, you start by choosing which time to measure. If you don’t make a selection, data for the current year will always be displayed.

Most purchased articles

The report shows a percentage distribution of the ten best-selling items (based on the number of purchases). It also lists the 50 most sold items with the number of purchases, average prices, and the total purchase price per item. You can filter the report on contact, article, and store data.

Most purchased article groups

The report shows a percentage distribution of the ten most purchased item groups (based on the number of purchases). It also lists the 50 best-selling item groups with the number of purchases, average prices, and the total purchase price per item. You can filter the report on contact, article, and store data.

Purchased on the same receipt

The report calculates items purchased in combination with the article in the selected filtering. Therefore, you must always start by choosing a purchase-related value (e.g., article number, article name, article group, sub-group, etc.) on which the report is to be based. If no filtering is done, the most purchased items will be displayed.

The calculation in the report is done by quantity and considers if something is returned.

Metrics Definition
Top 10 items The 10 most frequently purchased items based on quantity
Average Receipt The value of the selection’s receipts divided by the number of receipts
Number of items per receipt The total amount of items for the selection’s receipt divided by the number of receipts
Total number of purchases The number of receipts
Total purchase value The value of all receipts


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