Email bounces and unsubscriptions

Sometimes your send-outs fail to reach the relevant recipients. Other times your recipients decide they don’t want your messages anymore. There could be several reasons why. Here’s an explanation of the email send-out bounces and unsubscriptions that you might run into in Engage.

Email bounces are categorized as either soft or hard:

  • A hard bounce indicates that the recipient's email address is faulty and will be blocked from further communication. A blocked address will be displayed in red with a strikeout.
  • A soft bounce indicates that there was a temporary issue in delivering the email message to the recipient's address. A soft bounce does not result in a blocked address in Engage.
  • 10 recurring soft bounces (over 90 days) will result in the email address being blocked for further communication. When this happens a log entry will be added to the contact card, on the Change history tab.

Unsubscribing (opt-out)/Resubscribing

A contact will usually unsubscribe from communication by an action in their email client or by clicking a link in an email message. Voyado automatically adds the standard the email headers as recommended for high deliverability:

  • List-Unsubscribe (link and mailto)
  • List-Unsubscribe-Post (One-Click)

An email address belonging to a un unsubscribed contact will be displayed in black with a strikeout.

An administrator may opt-out or opt-in a contact by checking or unchecking the relevant checkbox on the contact card of the contact. Make sure to always have explicit consent before opting-in an opted-out contact.

Removing a block (hard bounce)

You can manually unblock an address on the contact card. Simply click Remove block below the address field.

Contact card.png

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