Conditional subject lines

Engage has a function for using conditional subject lines and preheaders in emails, which adjusts the email subject and preheader for selected segments of recipients. This, in combination with filtered modules, allows for more personalized communication.

Here is how to use this feature.


You can activate conditional subject lines and preheaders for a message by ticking the box in the settings step when creating a new email.


If you are interested in this functionality, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

Please note that conditional subject lines and preheaders can not be used in combination with A/B testing.

Create and arrange filters

Once you've ticked the conditional subject line and preheader box, a panel called Mail Info appears. To use this functionality, you need to create a new filter, which in turn will require the definition of a new segment. This works the same as the Filtering tool found in other areas of Engage.

The filter will require a unique name and defined criteria. The filters are unique to their particular email message and can also be selected/used in the design step.

Any recipient not fulfilling the criteria defined in the filter will receive the subject line and preheader defined under Others.

Priority order

You may define any number of filters with related subject lines and preheaders. You can then sort the filters as desired by drag-and-drop.

A recipient will receive the subject line and preheader based on the filter defined by the criteria they fulfill, in the order the filters are arranged. If a contact fulfills the criteria defined in the filter at the top of the list, they'll receive the subject line and preheader defined for that filter—all subsequent filters in the list will be ignored, even if the contact were to fulfill criteria defined in any of them.

Delete a conditional subject line

To delete a conditional subject line, click the x symbol in the top right corner of that particular panel. Note that this action will not delete the defined filter, which you will still find in the Filter drop-down menu when creating a new conditional subject line.

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