Bumped into an issue or product-related question? We've got your back, but please read this first.

At Voyado we want to empower customers to be communication heroes. One important piece to enable customer success is to help with obstacles, such as common questions and ongoing issues. Our support team always aims to provide a professional and personal support experience. To facilitate the best support, we'd like to share some best practices.


To get access to support, you need an account set up. This is important as it connects you to your company and ensures the correct response time (SLA). If you haven't received an account, please get in touch with your Account Manager.

We also recommend you read through the product documentation in Help center and take the Certified Engage user course in Voyado Academy (request access here).

How to register a support ticket

In case you can't find your answer in an article, you can create a new support ticket. This is simply done by using the submission form in Help center.

  1. From any page in Help center, click the Contact Support box in the upper right corner to access the request form.
  2. Fill in required fields. Make sure to describe the question thoroughly, as this helps the support team to quickly assess your case and immediately take the right actions. Each field in the request form have instructions and examples. (Tip! Avoid cropping screenshots, sometimes more details are very useful.)
  3. Once you've completed the required information and you're happy with the input, click Submit. Now your ticket is in the support queue waiting for pickup and assessment.


If your case is urgent (i.e., the service is fully unavailable or your business operation is severely impacted): submit a ticket and CC your Account Manager, then escalate the ticket via phone.

Follow up and tracking a ticket

In Help center, click the drop-down menu next to your profile picture and go to My activities. Here you will find your submitted tickets and status. You can click each ticket and view the full conversation, support agent owner, type of incident etc. You're also able to view tickets you've been CC'd on. Once a ticket is solved, the status changes to Solved. After seven days the ticket is closed and you need to register a new one.

Some users will have access to the organisations tickets, please contact your Account Manager if this is needed. You can also see buttons for your contributions (comments) and what articles you are following.


SLA and escalations

Technical support is included in your monthly Engage subscription (limitations may apply). This grants the following response time and Service Level Agreement (SLA).

Please be aware that the SLAs fall within business hours. Issues caused by a customer will not be eligible for the SLA.

Opening hours
09 am–17 pm

Urgency level Description Initial response Update frequency
Low There are no issues, but you still require help. There is minimal to no business impact. 5 workdays When solved
Normal The service is fully available, but the specific setup is not working as expected. Business impact is minimal. A single user or partial areas of the service are impacted. 2 workday When Solved
High The service is usable, but in a reduced manner. Business operation is moderate impacted. A single user or partial areas of the service are impacted. 4 hours 1 workday
Urgent The service is fully unavailable or inaccessible. Business operations are severely impacted with critical consequences or unacceptable delays. All or multiple users are affected. Immediate *Phone call recommended Continuous until resolved

If the issue becomes more critical, it's important that you inform the support specialist working on your case. When the level reaches Urgent you are required to CC your Account Manager and call support to inform.

In and out of scope

Support queries:

  • Ongoing issues—troubleshooting and resolution (or workaround).
  • Past incidents—to help you better understand the system and identify common mistakes.
  • General questions on how to perform a certain task in Engage and information on how the system works.
  • General best practices (please note if your solution doesn't follow the standard setup, general advice may not apply).

Non-support queries:

  • Creating campaigns, automations and daily routine setups.
  • Training or extensive guidance, consultancy or custom development.
  • Third party tools, setup and code.
  • Template design and troubleshooting, you can contact support. Your case will then be routed to the Production team, and SLAs are no longer eligible.
Meet the team

To resolve issues and provide deep technical knowledge, our support team is divided into distinct groups. This allows us to work efficiently and have the right resource to contribute at the right level.

  • 1st line (Support Specialists) is responsible to make the first assessment of the case and escalate further if needed. This team also manages common issues, resolves non critical cases.
  • 2nd line (Application Specialists) conducts further troubleshooting in complex cases, implement solutions and recommendations, and collaborate with the development team if needed to resolve an issue.
  • 3rd line (Developers) implements the resolution in case of a bug, or, if the issue is very complex, provides needed developer knowledge.
  • Bugs—We always do in-depth testing before any release. However, we are human, and sometimes we fail to find them. In case you find a bug: always report it to support. Since bugs have a variety of complexity, it's just not possible to provide an estimated resolution time. Forgive us!
  • Feature requests—We love being able to drop new cool stuff, and we listen to what our customers want. Since there are many items on the wishlist, careful planning is required by our Product teams. To ease the planning, make sure you let us know in the support case what feature you want. Why is this important, what value will it provide to your business, and how do you solve the situation today?
  • Make sure you add our Glossary to your favorites list.

That was all—you made it through! Ready to submit your first ticket and work with support? Go ahead and try it here.

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