Getting started with the filtering tool

Targeting is the key to success in CRM marketing. It's used to create groups of contacts with the same characteristics and attributes and makes it possible to execute a strategy based on purchase behavior, demographic data, and engagement levels.

In Engage, you can easily identify and create segments based on all the data you have stored. Click Targeting and then Filtering tool to get going.

Getting started

Start building a segment by creating groups of criteria based on these conditions:

  • All – A contact must fulfil all of the set criteria to be included in the segment.
  • Any – A contact must fulfil one or more of the set criteria to be included in the segment.
  • None – A contact must fulfil none of the set criteria to be included in the segment.

After saving your first condition, you can click Add group. A group works as an isolated set of criteria, enabling for you to use and reuse All, Any, and None when you build up your segment.


This segment, for example, consists of customers that match all of the following criteria:

  • Has the member level "Silver"
  • Has purchased an item from the article group "Pants"
  • Has not purchased an item from the article group "Sweaters"


When you are done building your segment, hit Calculate segmentation and get a quick overview of:

  • How many contacts that match your criteria (in count and in percentage)
  • The number of contacts that are reachable by email
  • The number of contacts that are reachable by SMS
  • The number of contacts that are reachable by postal send-outs

The calculation might take a few seconds depending on how complex your query is. Feel free to leave the page and do something else (prep content, build an automation, or follow up on results) while Engage does the calculation in the background.


When you want to check the results—visit Recent segmentations in the main menu. You'll find it there together with all the other queries you have recently built but not yet saved as segments or target audiences.

When you revisit a segment, you see when it was last calculated and how long the previous calculation took. If you wish to recalculate it and get up-to-date figures, simply click Calculate segmentation.


You can easily validate your segment by looking through a couple of customer profiles to check if they seem to match the criteria you had in mind. Click Show contacts.

Save as Segmentation

Segments are dynamic which means that they are recalculated every time they are used (for example as the recipient group for an email) and contacts that match the criteria will always be included. But remember, the segment will not be dynamic if your criteria include specific dates.

Save as Target audience

Target audiences are calculated once every night. So when you click on a Target Audience, whether you are opening it to see the number of contacts or selecting it as the recipient group for an email, Engage will show the number of contacts that met the criteria when they were last calculated = last night. Read more about target audiences here.

Other actions

If you wish to add or remove labels, delete contacts or create a Test scenario and split your segment in to multiple test groups. Click Action in the top right corner.


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