Searching for a specific contact should be quick and easy—especially if you are a Customer Service Agent with a dissatisfied customer on the phone. In Engage it's easy to combine different criteria to narrow down the search and find the right person quickly.
Go to Contacts in the main menu, click Find contact and search for a specific contact by filling in the contact information you have received from the customer. You are presented with a list of the contacts (both verified and unverified) that match your search. You can easily narrow down the search results by filling in more information as you get it from the customer.
Example (as pictured above)
You get a phone call from a customer, his email address is Mattias … something (but you did not catch the rest) and he tells you that his personal identification number is 8909 … (but you did not catch the last numbers). Simply fill in the little you know and narrow down the search until you are left with the correct contact profile.
Extended search
Use the extended search to get more search options.
Example (as pictured above)
You get a phone call from a customer that presents himself as Anders Lind … something (but you did not catch the complete name) and he tells you that he is a regular at the Copenhagen store and that his email address starts with ande … something (but you did not catch the complete email address either). Fill in the little information you got to limit down the search and find the right contact profile quick and easy.