Personalized fields in emails

With personalized fields it's possible to insert specific information from the recipient's contact card in the messages you send them. This is commonly used to greet customers with their first name, display their current reward points or to drive them to the store they usually shop in.

When you use personalized fields, it's important to only use fields where all or most of your contacts have relevant data. If data is missing and no information is retrieved, it's possible to add fallback text that is shown to anyone who lacks data in the current field.

Example: Personalization on first name [[firstName]], with fallback [[firstName, Best customer]] where "Best customer" will appear for those who lack data in the first name field.

Personalized fields can be used in SMS messages, Email content, Header and Pre-header but it's not possible to include them in your Email Sender name. Learn which personalized fields you can use in SMS messages here.

Contact information

These fields return information from each of the fields that correspond in the contact data sheet.

Description Field alias
First name [[firstName]]
Last name [[lastName]]
Street address [[street]]
ZIP code [[zipCode]]
Region [[city]]
c/o [[careOf]]
E-mail [[email]]
Phone number [[mobilePhone]]
Two letter country code (e.g., SE, NL) [[countryCode]]
Country [[country]]
Member number [[memberNumber]]
External ID (customer number) [[externalID]]
Date of birth [[birthDay]]
Age [[age]]

Other contact fields may be available depending on you specific configuration.


These fields return information based on the contact's regular store, except when sending an email as a specific store—then the information will be based on that store for all recipients.

Description Field alias
Store [[store]]
Store name [[]]
Store email [[]]
Store city [[]]
Store ZIP code [[store.zipcode]]
Store two-letter country code (e.g., SE, NO) [[currentStore.countrycode]]
Store phone number [[]]
Store unsubscribe text [[store.unsubscribetext]]
Store view online text [[store.viewonlinetext]]

Other store fields may be available depending on your specific configuration.

Regular store

These fields return information based on the contact's regular store.

Description Field alias
Regular store name [[]]
Regular store email [[]]
Regular store city [[]]
Regular store address [[currentStore.postaladdress]]
Regular store ZIP code [[currentStore.zipcode]]
Regular store two-letter country code (e.g., SE, NL) [[currentStore.countrycode]]
Regular store phone number [[]]
Regular store unsubscribe text [[currentStore.unsubscribetext]]
Regular store view online text [[currentStore.viewonlinetext]]

Recruitment store

This field return information based on the contact's registration store.

Description Field alias
Recruitment store [[createdInStore]]

Email message

These fields return text content that corresponds to email message data.

Description Field alias
Email subject line [[mailsubject]]
Email send date [[sendoutdate]]


These fields return text content that corresponds to the member data for rewards.

Description Field alias
Current point balance [[bonus:currentamount]]
*Points remaining to payout [[bonus:remainingtopayout]]

*This field displays the points needed to reach the minimum voucher level. If the customer has already qualified for the first voucher payout, this field will display 0 points.

Reward vouchers

These fields return information about all active and unused reward vouchers for a specific contact and will return empty if the contact has no active voucher.

Description Field alias
Number of active vouchers [[activechecks.count]]
Total value of active vouchers* [[activechecks.sum]]

*The currency is regulated by your specific setup and/or email template. If you are uncertain about your setup, contact support.

Latest reward voucher

These fields return information about the latest created and active reward voucher for a specific contact. The field will return empty if the contact has no active voucher.

Description Field alias
Communicated expiry date [[latestcheck.expiryDate]]
Reward points [[latestcheck.points]]
Total value* [[latestcheck.value]]
Voucher number [[latestcheck.code]]

*The currency is regulated by your specific setup and/or email template. If you are uncertain about your setup, contact support.

Latest reward payout

These fields return information about the latest reward payout session for a specific contact. Vouchers that are used or expired will be excluded and the fields will return empty if the contact has no active voucher.

Description Field alias
Communicated expiry date [[latestbonuspayout.expiryDate]]
Reward points [[latestbonuspayout.points]]
Total value*  [[latestbonuspayout.value]]
Voucher number [[latestcheck.code]]

*The currency is regulated by your specific setup and/or email template. If you are uncertain about your setup, contact support.

Member level

These fields return information based on the level/tier for a specific contact.

Description Field alias
Level [[memberlevel.level]]
Level basing reward points [[memberlevel.levelbasingrewardpoints]]
Remaining to upgrade* [[memberlevel.remainingtoupgrade]]
Latest member level change [[memberlevel.latestchange]]
Expires (downgrade date)** [[memberlevel.expires]]

*The field will return empty if the contact has reached the top level.
**The field will return empty if the contact remains on the bottom level.

Personal links to forms

These fields returns personalizied links to forms, the number of forms depends on how many forms you have in your setup.

Description Field alias
Name of form* [[registrationUrl:]]**

*The field will return a list of forms depending on your setup.
** The field will return a personalized URL to the specific form you choose in the list.

Stamp card

These fields return a personalized amount of stamps a customer have collected.

Description Field alias
Number of stamps on current card [[stamps.numberof]]
Stamps left to complete current card [[stamps.left]]

This is regulated by your specific setup. If you are uncertain about your setup, contact support.

Multichannel promotions

These fields return information about multichannel promotions for the contact. The field aliases also contain the code used to identify the information in the promotion.

Description Field alias
Promotion name [[multichannel:description]]
Promotion heading [[multichannel:heading]]
Description of promotion [[multichannel:description]]
Link included in promotion [[multichannel:link]]
Value of promotion [[multichannel:value]]
Expiry date of promotion [[multichannel:expirydate]]
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