The campaign configuration panel on the Settings tab covers the important basic settings that direct the rest of the campaign. Settings here are also likely to change the entire layout of the flow journey and what settings you can access and not. This article covers the details.
Deal Name
It’s recommended that you try to be structured in naming your onsite messages. It makes follow-up, testing, reporting and much else a lot easier.
Store name
Enter the store name you want displayed in the copy.
This is where you choose which of your predefined sites the campaign can appear on.
The language setting of the campaign decides which placeholder/default texts are inserted in the different text fields for you to edit. It also decides which language the few uneditable texts alter are displayed in.
Tag Name
This is an important setting. For a campaign to show on your website, it must match the site settings, all of the targeting criteria, but also the Tag Name that's called in the script.
We recommend installing four tags, with three of them calling the script with different campaign tags.
Cornerwidget script
This is a site-wide script triggered by real or virtual page load and calls the script using the tag “cornerwidget”.
Login script
This is a script that triggered by real or virtual login evens and calls the script using the tag “login”.
Hide script
This script is mainly used for SPA websites to hide any elements already loaded when the user goes to the cart or checkout.
Purchase script
This script is triggered on the order confirmation page and calls the script using the tag “checkout” (or no tag at all, which will always be interpreted as “checkout”).
The different scripts can also send other data and variables for better tracking, improved identification, and so on.
The above default implementation gives us three tag names to work with, which is plenty for most setups. This is, however, just a suggestion/default implementation. You may call whatever tag names you wish in the scripts (and only campaigns or onsite messages with an identical tag name may be triggered by these calls). You can implement support for calling as many different tag names as you wish, it doesn’t have to be three, and it doesn’t have to be the ones suggested above.
In most implementations three tag names will be used: cornerwidget, checkout and login.
Pro tip: Using a tag name that you know is never called in your script implementation means that end users will never see your campaign (until you change it). The Generated Deal URL (see below), however, will always trigger its corresponding campaign, which is great for testing campaigns live on your website, without them being shown to end users.
Deal target page
Whenever someone clicks on a link generated in the campaign (for example in reminder emails), they are taken to this URL where the campaign will be triggered. This is also applicable when you want to link an onsite campaign in a send-out (such as a newsletter or SMS campaign), since the URL specified here will be the one your users land on when they click the Generated Deal URL.
Generated Deal URL
Each campaign in the platform gets its own Deal URL that is automatically generated when the campaign goes live for the first time. Visiting this URL will force-trigger the campaign, even if tag name and/or other trigger conditions are not met. In other words, coming to the website through a Deal URL trumps other trigger mechanisms.
There’s also a QR code icon next to the title. Clicking it reveals the QR code automatically generated for every campaign, which may come in handy if you’re an omnichannel merchant.
Pro tip: If you want to create onsite signup campaigns for your in-store users to use from your physical stores, simply create an onsite campaign for each store, give it a tag name that ensures it doesn’t trigger for regular website visitors, and then display the QR code that triggers the onsite campaign in your physical store.
You can even set Store External ID individually for each campaign, so you can see which physical store each customer signed up in by looking at the contact card in Engage, even though the entire process technically took place on your website.
Attribution time (days)
Enter a numerical value (number of days) to define a period in which a purchase made on the website should be attributed as a conversion in the statistics shown in the Onsite Manager. If this value is set to 30 days, for example, any order made by a website visitor within 30 days of completing an onsite campaign flow is attributed as a conversion to that campaign in the statistics.
Entering a different value on campaign level will override the default site setting value.
Completion block time
This is the time (in days) during which the campaign will not be presented to a user who has already completed it (on the same device). This is to protect users from being exposed to the same campaigns repeatedly.
Setting Preset
By choosing a predefined preset, you may change a bunch of settings at the same time, which is basically like choosing a template. Given that there’s only one campaign type in Voyado Onsite, which can be almost infinitely tweaked by changing settings, then using setting presets to change a lot of settings “in one go” is a handy thing.