The term "assisted targeting" refers to using the targeting tool in Engage to compose and save segmentations that can be used throughout the application, providing increased value and relevance.
Engage’s previous targeting tool (called segmentation tool) enabled you to isolate groups of customers with certain properties, save them as segmentations and then use those to perform exports, check for certain criteria, troubleshoot, split customers off into automations, and obtain marketing targeting and profiling.
However, as an Engage user you need to understand how to filter your data in order to get the best results, and when there is a lot of data, this is not always obvious. The results will also contain the most recent data and a precise number of contacts, and this kind of precision is not always the most useful to gain the highest value. That's why the new tageting tool and assisted targeting were introduced.
The targeting tool provides expanded profiling and targeting, giving better success in marketing and sales. It represents a paradigm shift in how targeting is approached in Engage and will be offered everywhere that the segmentation tool exists in the UI today.
In the targeting tool you will find building blocks which you configure and apply to your customer database to create rules that define groups of customers. These rules are known as segmentations and the actual groups of customers segments. The building blocks used can be everything from single data points to previously made segmentations, to prepackaged audiences based on smart analytics and AI. We call these building blocks targeting tactics because you are guided in how to use them. Find information on some targeting tactics here.
This new approach to targeting means content can be more easily reused, segmentations more easily combined, and you can get quickly up to speed with your targeting efforts.
Engage's pre-existing segmentation tool will remain intact but is renamed to “Filtering tool” to more emphasize how it's actually used. It will be removed for new customers after the full introduction of assisted targeting. However the same functionality that's in the filtering tool is also now available in the “All data criteria” section of the "Assisted targeting" section.
Check out the glossary to get up to speed on the terms used in this area.