This is your starting page for each active automation. It is a summary of what is going on, what has happened and has tools to quickly check that everything works as intended. It's a great way to monitor your automations!



These are the different parts you need to know about:

Change view and filter

In the top left you can switch between the overview and workflow view. Below you can apply a filter to the overview, changing the time period you want to see data for. This is applied to the Contacts panel and Activities panel.


Contact panel

Here you find the information regarding contacts. For the From start filter you will see the number of started, completed and active contacts. If you add any other filter, only the number of started and completed is shown.



Please note the disclaimer. The data used is only complete from 01-08-2023. This means there can be data available from before this date, but it may be incomplete.

If you click Show contacts you be able to view the latest 50 contacts that entered the automation, based on you filter, for further viewing. Clicking a row will take you to the contacts card. This is a great way to double check your trigger criteria. 



Summary panel

Here you can quickly see the activation date, which trigger is being used, the description of the automation, which activities are in the workflow, and how long it takes for a contact to go through it. Note that these details are not affected by the date filter.

1 New overview_summary.png

Activities panel

This is where you see your email and SMS messages. Each of them are in a separate tab. We’ve chosen a few standard KPIs that give you an idea of how they are performing. The KPIs change based on your date filter and are not limited to after 01-08-2023.

Clicking a message will take you to the more detailed statistics view, the same as when you click a message in the workflow. All email activities are listed separately, even if it is the same message, to help you evaluate the performance of each specific activity.

Click on the arrow by a message to locate and highlight it within the workflow.

1 New overview.png

The message is automatically highlighted in the workflow.

2 New overview.png

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