This article introduces you to the report ‘Sales KPIs by month’.
The Sales KPIs by month report provides KPIs for months that have passed as well as for the current month this far. It differs from the Sales KPIs rolling 12 months in that it does not calculate aggregations and averages for a 12-month period. For example, the line for 2023 August shows what the revenue, average receipt, etcetera was specifically for August 2023.
In the upper right corner of the report table, you can sort the numbers in ascending or descending order, or by label.
Total amount of all sales during the month in question.
Average receipt
Average receipt in total for the month in question.
Purchases per shopping contact
Average number of purchases per contact for the month in question. Receipts with only returns are discarded from the calculation.
Articles per purchase
Average number of articles per purchase for the month in question.
Shopping contacts
Total number of shopping contacts during the month in question.
Purchased in store and online
Percentage of shopping contacts who made a purchase online and in store during the month in question.
Made purchase in store
Percentage of shopping contacts who made a purchase in a physical store during the month in question. An unknown number of these customers could also have made a purchase online.
Purchase online
Percentage of shopping contacts who made a purchase online during the month in question. An unknown number of these contacts could also have made an in-store purchase.