Use the "Award checkpoints" automation activity

With Engage’s Challenges feature, you can create and drive customer engagement by offering the opportunity to reach a goal together with your brand. This article shows you how to use the automation activity Award checkpoints together with the trigger Contact adds email.

Let’s look at how to add a checkpoint in an automation triggered when a customer adds an email address to their contact information, as part of a challenge encouraging the customers to interact with your brand.

Interested in giving this feature a try? Talk to your Account Manager.

Set up the automation

  1. Start by creating and activating a new challenge.
  2. Create a new automation and choose the trigger Contact adds email or mobile number. Edit the name and the entry criteria as desired.
  3. Click the plus sign below the entry trigger, select Activity and go for Award checkpoints.

    1 Challenge activity_add.png

  4. Select which challenge you want to use in the drop-down and set a number of checkpoints to add. Save by clicking OK.

    2 Challenge activity_set.png

After this, it’s a good idea to update the challenge participants about their progress. You could do this by adding a [personalized email] to the automation flow.

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